
Monday, September 30, 2013

Montenegro initiated Plan for ‘New Yugoslavia’

Montenegro initiated Plan for ‘New Yugoslavia’

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An initiative for Western Balkans countries called the West Balkan Six initiated by Montenegro has received the support of European Commission for Enlargement Stefan Fule and foresees the creation of a joint parliamentary assembly, a common economic market, a single system of education and joint fight against organized crime and corruption, write on Wednesday Zëri.

The initiative will include countries like Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia and aims to achieve joint European integration.
The plan is expected to be focus of the upcoming meeting of regional foreign ministers in New York and the paper writes that the countries involved have in principle hailed the initiative.

Another issue set to be clarified in the meeting is whether this union will also include Croatia and Slovenia although the two are already EU members. Slovenia is said to have turned down the proposal while Croatia is still considering it. If Croatia pulls out, Serbia will then dominate the initiative and have a lead role which Kosovo doesn’t support.

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