
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Doctor to young Messi: You’ll be taller than Maradona

“Messi was just 1.25 metres [4 feet 1 inch] tall, and was sent flying whenever he collided with the kids of his age. He knew that he had stopped growing. He had heard when it had been said that the problem was an underactive gland. He was even becoming well-acquainted with the word hormone.

“He was fearful of being told he couldn’t be happy, because he could only be happy if he was playing football. In that instant, his world stood still. He was afraid. He had felt that fear on more than one occasion. He tried to read the doctor’s lips in anticipation of the response, until he finally heard what he wanted to be told. Six words and just the name he needed to hear: ‘You will be taller than Maradona.’”

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